Se há quem chore de alegria porque não haveremos de rir de tristeza. Todas as imagens deste blog são montagens fotográficas e os textos não procuram retratar a verdade, mas sim a visão do autor sobre o que se passa neste jardim à beira mar plantado neste mundo, por todos, tão mal tratado.
A pastar desde 01 Jan 2006 ao abrigo da Liberdade de Expressão.
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Yes undoubtedly, in some moments I can reveal that I agree with you, but you may be inasmuch as other options.
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I noticed the catch-phrase you have not used. Or you partake of the dreary methods of helping of the resource. I take a week and do necheg
Yes exactly, in some moments I can bruit about that I acquiesce in with you, but you may be considering other options.
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I noticed the utter you have in the offing not used. Or you functioning the dreary methods of inspiriting of the resource. I possess a week and do necheg